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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 20, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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york police officers having to fend off attacks from migrants in randall's island. they were there to kick out a man not supposed to be at the shelter. he was arrested for trespassing. the officers are okay. today one of the migrants charged in the beating of two new york police officers last month in times square is due in court for a hearing. to another alert here. the x account for alexei navalny's widow was online after being suspended earlier this morning. unclear why that account was taken down. evan gershkovitch in court today. his latest appeal has been denied. the "wall street journal" reporter has been held in a russian prison for ten months. those are the headlines. over to you. >> ainsley: busy day. nikki haley will speak at noon. bye, everyone. >> bill: good morning. we might get an update from the u.s. supreme court on former
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president trump's immunity case. trump is asking the justices to stay or pause a lower court ruling. that lower court ruling that he does not have immunity. a big deal now. will the supremes issue an order or take the case? we might get an update by 9:30 eastern time. you have a white house weathering criticism on the president's age and standing. there is a document that calls his health into question. i'm bill hemmer. team is back together. thank you, >> dana: i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." we have a lot to get to. a few hours from now president biden will head to california wants to raise more cash for his campaign despite growing calls for him not to run. >> bill: republicans fighting to get ahold of the documents from the special counsel robert hur's interview with the president. you might remember that could have revelations on his mental state.
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the department of justice reviewing a transcript before a possible release. the white house then could invoke executive privilege and block it all together. >> dana: all this fueling more concerns over the president's ability to hold office. pollster nate silver writes biden needs to reassure the american public he is capable of handling public appearances that aren't on easy mode or he needs to stand down. or he is probably going to lose to trump. >> bill: former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe is here but first to rich edson at the white house. >> good morning, bill. president biden scheduled to leave the white house in a few hours. well oh he see if he will take questions shortly after 12:30. the president is on the way to california. a big ticket fundraising events in the los angeles and san francisco bay areas. the biden campaign just announced the president's re-election efforts have raised more than $42 million last month and has 130 million in cash on hand. the campaign says that's a
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highest total of any democrat in history. that candidate faces significant headwind. sagging poll numbers, concerns over his age. democrats say the president can address that in the state of the union address next month. >> time to reset and address concerns and time to lay out a clear message about where you are going to take the country. we're in election year, 250 some days before the election. time to start framing the election. there are only a few times the whole nation will listen. state of the union is being one of them. >> bill: earlier this month the president defended his competency at a press conference hours after the hur report declining to prosecute biden for mishandling classified information and describing the president as a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. congressional republicans are demanding the justice department release transcripts and recordings of the special counsel's interview with the president as part of their impeachment inquiry. the administration is
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considering that request and concerns over classified information as part of those interviews. awaiting word from the white house on all that. bill and dana back to you. >> bill: nice to see you. john ratcliffe is with us now. good morning to you. would you expect the white house to block this release? and can the white house block hur from testifying? >> bill, i think at this point i do expect the white house to block the release of this. so the declassification process that they are talking about i've been through it many times. the way it works you consult the various agencies that have equities involved. in this case it could be the pentagon, cia, state department. bill, this is a process that if the white house wanted it to move quickly they could ask for it to move quickly and a decision could be made in a matter of hours, certainly in 24 to 48 hours. it has now been two weeks. this has been a terrible story for the biden administration and
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the biden white house. if they had the ability to counteract the damaging stories that are out there they would want to do it quickly. the fact that they haven't tells you they can't do it. so i think that they are probably struggling with the issue should we assert executive privilege over this transcript and is that better than the alternative of releasing a transcript that shows very damaging side-by-side testimony? on the one hand, you know, his testimony, joe biden's testimony under oath to robert hur about beau biden and him bringing up the subject versus the opposite of that, which is his press conference where he told the american people when he wasn't under oath that it was the special counsel that inappropriately brought that subject up. it would be running on a loop from the rnc from now to
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election day. the alternative is to exert executive privilege over this. as you know, executive privilege applies to internal deliberation you want shielded from congress. the problem is the subject matter of this joe biden has already shared outside of the executive branch. he wrote a book about it. that's the challenge. i still think at the end of the day they think that alternative is better to the american people having to conclude that either joe biden intentionally lied to them or his memory is so bad he couldn't remember what he told the special counsel in the first place. >> dana: so sometimes i think about these things from a communications standpoint and the timing of things. i like to think ahead about what's coming up. a lot of people in d.c., companies have this problem, too. you try to win the news cycle for the day. thinking ahead, we know that robert hur is likely to testify in mid-march and have a ton of headlines. to me if this transcript is coming out, i get it out this
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weekend, let people marinate on it, go through that following week. congress isn't in session. they aren't back until the 28th, i believe. because the white house is already raising expectations about the president's state of the union on march 7th. let's say he clears that high bar. then at that point, he wants to continue on. he wants to put out his budget and do that. if they don't put out the transcript now and robert hur testifies the week after the state of the union, they are right back where they started before. >> yeah. i think, you know, the state of the union does provide a good opportunity for joe biden but again let's face it. that's a scripted speech, not taking questions, it's not, you know, debating. it is not having sustained interviews, all of those things. and i think that while it could be a good moment for him, i don't think it can be a great moment for him in terms of resetting his presidency.
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and frankly, he has to change a lot of minds. when 86 % of the population think he is too old. back to the transcript issue, i agree, dana, but again if there were something good in there they would be trumpeting it from the mountain tops saying let's get the transcript out there as quickly as possible. they haven't done it. it has been two weeks. so i think they're trying to manage that and balance what is worse. you will either see a transcript that is so highly redacted that it is essentially useless, or you won't see it at all and then they will have to deal with robert hur's testimony. i think at the end of the day the challenge there is that robert hur is going to say under oath look, that is not what happened and i was surprised when joe biden went on national tv and said i brought this issue up. so i think they will have to deal with some challenges one way or another. they are trying to decide
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between a rock and a hard place which way to go. >> bill: thank you, sir. more to come on that john ratcliffe. appreciate your time today. quick note. axios writes this. everyone around -- speaking of the state of the union. >> everyone around him is well aware to jack up the campaign. the only way to -- slamming biden's age is for the president to be visible, strong of presence and voice. the hearing is on the calendar five days after the state of the union. >> dana: that's why i'm saying. if you don't get it out now. the other thing is jill biden's office, dnc put out a fundraising appeal based on the how dare he bring up beau biden when then we find out that's not true. so this is going to continue and the white house has it within its power to way the stop the news cycle. we'll see if they do that. >> bill: tonight at 7:00 eastern from south carolina, laura ingraham will have the exclusive
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interview with donald trump. greenville, south carolina. >> dana: nice area. >> bill: we'll see how it goes tonight. mark your timers, set your alarms, 7:00 eastern tonight here ott fox. >> dana: the united nations security council set to vote later this morning on a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. the u.s. is expected to veto that. it is proposing a rival resolution and this is getting some news. trey yengst is live in tel aviv. hi, trey. >> good morning. the u.n. security council is scheduled to vote today on a resolution that calls for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. the proposal put forward by algeria demands that both sides comply with international law and that the hostages taken on october 7th be released. the resolution is expected to be vetoed by the united states as u.s. ambassador said over the weekend the plan wouldn't actually achieve those outcomes. the biden administration has a
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draft resolution of its own that would call for a temporary cease-fire in gaza as soon as -- the key discussion is a looming israeli offensive in rafah. 1 million palestinians are sheltering there. >> united nations has been very clear about the extension of the military operation in rafah would have dire humanitarian consequences for the innocent civilians that are there. >> efforts to find a solution to the war between israel and hamas run parallel to continued attacks by iran-backed groups in lebanon and yemen. houthi rebels damaged a ship on monday. it involved two anti-ship missiles according to u.s. central command. there are diplomat ickx efforts
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ongoing to calm rising tension across the middle east. today in cairo a delegation of hamas leadership continued discussions about a possible cease-fire. >> dana: trey yengst, thank you. >> bill: from texas in a moment. police naming a person of interest in the disappearance of an 11-year-old girl. what we're learning about the case and what we're learning about him coming up here. >> dana: armed robbers ransacking a gucci is store in new york city. >> bill: a new break in the border. fox cameras capturing a surge of migrants coming down a mountain literally in california. their home countries make for a very long list. >> this is the first time i've seen this in my coverage. border. look on this mountain here jacumba. a huge steep mountain. there is an ant trail of illegal immigrants coming down this valley.
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>> dana: southern california has become a new hot spot for illegal immigrants crossing the border. fox news is on the ground capturing scores of people coming from all over the world. check this out. >> border patrol agents told us they were surprised to see all these folks coming down the mountain as well. still more coming. if we can pan to the right to the left of the border patrol vehicle. they are responding to the left of that truck you can see more people coming down the mountain right now. where are you from? kazakhstan. >> three kazakhstan here. brazil. brazil, brazil, brazil, brazil. brazil? where are you from? ecuador right here. brazil, brazil, china.
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china? two chinese here. >> dana: we are the world. >> bill: that's right and sometimes they are adults and sometimes they are the children. if you look at a map, if you've ever been along that interstate 8 in southern california, we both have. sometimes you are in the middle of nowhere and it is rocky and rough terrain out there. sometimes also if you look at the map, don't focus on what's on the american side of the border. see what's on the mexican side of the border. we have seen cases like eagle pass or other locations this arizona two main roads on the mexican side that dead end into the border and nothing on our side. i think the opposite is true here unless shown otherwise. dana, you look at a map right here, there is nothing there. how do they get there? >> dana: good question. i'm excited for the guest we have coming up next hour on this kevin faulkner, former mayor of san diego. they're bearing the brunt of all this. interesting. >> bill: two other things. griff has been out there as well
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in recent days. a lot of these folks have clean clothes and great suitcases and iphones are fully charged as they cross the border. ask yourself where does that happen, too? >> dana: want to get to to this breaking news out of texas as well. >> i am not giving up hope we'll be able to bring her home. so yes, i am hoping that she is still alive and we will work just as hard to make sure that we do everything that we can to try to bring her home. >> the family of a missing 11-year-old girl praying for her safe return. audrey cunningham last seen on thursday as she left to catch a school bus in livingston, texas. police are saying they've taken a person of interest into custody on an unrelated charges. we follow the story from our west coast bureau. how much do we know now, jonathan? >> good morning to you. we know that 11-year-old audrey cunningham left her home just before 7:00 a.m. thursday heading for her school bus stop
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a short distance away. she never got on the bus. never made it to school. and has not been seen since. with the search for her becoming more desperate by the hour. >> i would like to get the word out that we would like to have her come home. it's not like her to just run off or disappear. she has a lot of loving family and so many people that love her and adore her. she is a very well taken care of child. and we just miss her and we don't understand. >> audrey's home and the bus stop are close to lake livingston over an hour north of houston. a hello kitty backpack believe to belong to the 11-year-old was found along the lakeshore. a 42-year-old man, mcdougal, was arrested friday on an unrelated charge of aggravated assault. police say mcdougal lives in a
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camper behind the home where audrey lives with her father. they say he has admitted leaving the property last thursday with audrey to take her to the bus stop. something he has done several times in the past according to police. they say he has not been fully cooperative in telling law enforcement what happened next. so the police are asking for the public's help. >> the people would review their cameras if they find something suspicious, that they think would warrant the help of investigators or review by our investigators, by all means please call the polk county sheriff's office and if it's an emergency call 911 so we can evaluate that information. >> mcdougal remains a person of interest according to police. not formally a suspect at this stage. they believe he is the last person to have seen audrey before she disappeared. they are asking for patience as
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they investigate. but time is clearly not on audrey's side, bill. >> bill: we'll look for clues. jonathan hunt thank you for the west coast bureau. >> dana: retired f.b.i. agent. in a situation like this. the timeline, thursday february 15th last week approximately 7:00 a.m. audrey did not get on her school bus and then mcdougal is seen at a local gas station at 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. is when the family reported her missing. he was arrested. from your experience, what are investigators looking for now? >> well, our hearts go out to the family. you always keep up hope. but with every passing hour and every passing day now, the chances are slimmer and slimmer that they will find this little girl alive. that's statistics from many of these types of cases that we've worked. and you see that timeline there that you had up. there is a very short window when he was with her and then at the gas station without her.
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he is the last one seen with her alive. he has a long criminal history including enticing a minor in the past. he is not cooperative. i would be -- we saw boats focusing on the lake. i ran the f.b.i. dive team. we have done many cases like this. i would want sonar in that lake, backpack was found near that lake. in all likelihood if he had done something with this little girl, she is in that lake and i believe that's where they will find her. >> dana: there are some questions people have of why mcdougal is still a person of interest and not charged as a suspect. the sheriff talked about that yesterday. >> we want to make sure that whatever evidence that we collect and that we place on an affidavit to date will be something that will hold up in court later. it does us no good to prematurely charge him now and three or four months from now gets tossed out of court because we were moving too fast.
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i ask you please understand as we work carefully through this because audrey deserves this. she deserves us taking our time and deserves us making sure we do it right. >> dana: he also has a tip line for everybody to put up on the screen as well. it's 936-327-6810 is the tip line. tips like this can maybe be helpful? >> they can be helpful yes in finding the little girl wherever she is now. if you hear a sheriff stand up and say we're going slow, we are using time, when the child is missing in an abduction scenario you want to move as fast as you can. what that press conference indicates to me is they are looking -- it's a recovery operation and they are looking to go slow so they don't mess up. that's what they should do but in a missing child you want to get out there quickly if you have any hope of finding them alive and move as fast as you can. when i heard him say they're stepping back and slowing down
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and doing everything right, that is if this ultimately ends in a murder charge they don't get any evidence thrown out. as an attorney that's how they should be approaching it. they have to go slow. a tip line, yes, anyone in the area with videotape, ring door bells, anything like that, people should be reviewing them, giving them to authorities. that will all help lead them to find this little girl hopefully. >> dana: thank you and we'll keep everyone updated as this develops. >> thanks. >> bill: the world's busiest airport taking drastic measures to try to keep the homeless from sleeping in public terminals. live in atlanta with that. should new york companies be on edge after a massive financial ruling in trump's new york civil fraud trial? is this about to chase away business from a democratic-run state? >> after this judgment, i will make new york the number one loser state. forget about the trump factor, it is not about that.
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fastsigns. make your statement™. >> dana: we're waiting to hear from the supreme court whether they'll take up president trump's immunity case issue. he is saying that he should be and we're waiting to see if the supreme court agrees with that. we have our very own shannon bream will be here to help explain it to us when we get that announcement. >> bill: come on, shannon, be there. a brazen daytime robbery at a manhattan gucci store. they stole at gun point. the latest of a string of retail thefts plaguing the big apple. with as that daylight? what was that? >> it was daylight. brazen is a good word for this. it happened at broad daylight at noon yesterday in downtown manhattan. the woman walks around the gucci store as if scoping it out.
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moments later a gunman rushes in pointing the gun as someone appears to take cover. according to the nypd the crooks made off with $51,000 worth of gucci luggage, handbags and sunglasses and one perp trips in his haste to escape. outside the store the woman runs to the door and appears to grab the gun and rushes back to the getaway vehicle. her two accomplices run out holding the merchandise past a bunch of passerbys on the sidewalk. they almost hit a pedestrian on a bicycle and nearly crashing into a white vehicle in the escape vehicle. they took off into new jersey. no injuries were reported. nypd is asking the public to call crimestoppers hotline with fare to lead to an arrest of these three individuals. robbery in new york city is up 8% in 2024 compared to the same time last year. grand larceny stealing property over $1,000 is also up a
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fraction of a percent. new york's democratic governor says she wants to fight retail theft admitting it is a problem as well as property crime by launching a smash and grab enforcement unit and establishing tougher penalties for online marketplaces and third party sellers of -- and give money to d.a.'s offices to prosecute these crimes. >> bill: here we go. thank you, bryan llenas watching that today for us. thank you. 33 past. >> 30 days even if we choose to appeal this we have to post the bond, which is the full amount and some. and we will be prepared to do that. they picked the wrong guy to pick on in my opinion because he is strong, resilient and happens to have a lot of cash. >> dana: as his lawyer said donald trump is not going down without a fight. the former president vowing to appeal the ruling in his new york city fraud trial that resulted in a staggering $355
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million fine and banned him from operating a business in the city for three years. questions now about the fate of his business empire. joining us now charles payne host of making money on fox business. want to play what governor kathy hochul says new yorkers she thinks it's all fine. >> this is really an an usual circumstance that the rule following new yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about of the they're very different than donald trump and his behavior. >> dana: do you think business people in new york agree? >> no, they have to be afraid. a lot of them won't say anything but we'll see -- >> dana: they don't want to get targeted. >> exactly. anyone who is thinking in their right mind has to understand you may be -- the government in power may like you now. if they can do this to someone they don't like they can do it to you as well. i don't see a lot of business folks cheering this.
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you were talking about a victimless crime. banks that did business with president trump and would do more business with him, and so they find a law that has never been used ever before on anyone else. you can't say it is not targeting. following the report just now, think about this. we're in a city that's already a trillion dollars has left the city in business. we're commercial real estate is 52% occupancy. new york community bank stock is down over 50% this year in the last few weeks because there is so much concern over these buildings being empty, office buildings and how many can we quickly convert to apartments and things like that. it is an awful business environment to begin with. this has made it more unpleasant. >> bill: a comment and question for you. i heard her sound bite a lot when she says donald trump and his behavior. she didn't say his actions or
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the decisions he made as a businessman. she said his behavior. we know that democrats hate trump's behavior. they have made it clear. interesting choice of words from her. secondly, who gets the money? >> every time i see these fines a bank is fined $4 billion and the sec takes it. the victims don't see anything. i don't know who will see this money. no one filed a complaint. so old school. i want to pick up on what you said. the judge made a similar comment in this, right? he says speaking of president trump. they did not rob a bank at gun point. donald trump is not bernie made off. defendants are incapable admitting the error of their ways. feels like the plan was to make president trump bow to humble him, to take away his swag, to remove the veneer of the anti-establishment veneer, to break him down.
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that's what they are looking like they are going for more than everything else and it backfires. every time it does they see themselves in president trump like okay, there are all these cases out there. maybe some are good. some aren't. the bottom line it feels like when you get something like this and hear a commentary they feel like that's me. the system is trying to bring me to my knees. i have a person fighting for me. i just -- i just think there are so many things, legitimate things out there that can be pursued but 92 indictments, right? it is such overkill and then the sort of victory laps afterwards. we'll beat this guy down. >> dana: or in the carroll case where her and her team were going to go shopping. they tried to take that back but said it and meant it and they were laughing. i don't think a lot of businesses are laughing now. >> it's a tough thing. new york city is the brokeest
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city in america with respect to the burdens out there. the taxpayer, average taxpayer burden is $61,000 in the city. listen, offering cards to illegal immigrants, $10,000 credit cards. meeting people in bus stations and greeting them. it is a city that feels like it has its priorities wrong. the problem is i watched europe a lot as an economic cautionary tale. and because i don't want america to go down the same path particularly germany. and we are going down that path of uncontrolled borders, of personal vendettas, too many regulations, too many rules. it is just -- we've been gifted so many different things and we're giving that up for pettiness and it is scary. >> bill: something we shall watch. c. payne, there he is. you did something with noah, right? >> dana: noah rothman is on my
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podcast. we talked a lot about biden. >> bill: it is there for you right now. all right. >> can't even walk around down there. >> a bullet proof vest. >> bill: charles barkley put it out there going off on the crime in san francisco. in a moment why our guest called that the best part of the nba all-star game plus there is this, roll it. >> oh, no, this is not good. this is really not good. we've got punches being thrown. this is really not good. >> it went on for some time. college basketball game. it did not end the right way. now the ncaa is responding on this melee. >> this is not what you want to see after. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal,
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>> bill: here is the verdict of sorts. there will not be a ruling from the u.s. supreme court on trump immunity today anyway. that means shannon can what, go get a cup of county. >> dana: take biscuit for a walk. >> bill: you guys are off duty as of this hour. that's where we stand from the u.s. supreme court. 15 minutes before the hour. >> dana: we're seeing a west coast deluge. intense winter storm is soaking the golden state. a multi-day atmospheric river is producing torrential rain giving way to massive flooding and mudslides. millions under some level of flood alert. the storm is expected to linger through the coast through wednesday. that's all day tomorrow threatening more rainfall and mountain snow. they're getting it there in california. >> bill: in the meantime king charles you may know him as.
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>> reggie, if you had a chance of being cold or being a bunch around of homeless crooks in san francisco. >> hey. >> we love san francisco. >> no, we don't. you can't even walk around down there. with a bullet proof vest. >> bill: king charles let them have it. the basketball legend charles barkley who rarely holds back. he let the san francisco have it last night taking a swipe at the city by the bay over crime and visible homelessness during the game. his fellow commentators did not seem to agree. was barkley wrong? reggie miller lived and played -- does he still live in indianapolis? i'm not sure.
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he was in indianapolis for 18 years. midwest nice, indianapolis is the place to go. the reality in san francisco, homicide in three years up 12 1/2%, robbery 13 1/2, assault 13, larceny theft 26 and total major crime is 13%. so was he right? >> look, bill, would you ever believe san francisco, a jewel of america, anybody who has ever visited there, one of the most beautifully natural geographic wonder lands in all of america and turned it into a cess pool because of one-party rule. huge percentage of the people that deal with petty crime don't bother reporting it to the police right now. and remember green plays for the golden state warriors they have moved from oakland to san francisco was also on that
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broadcast with barkley and the nba all-star game is in san francisco next year. an interesting welcome for charles barkley but he is right. this is what one-party rule gets you as you move all along the west coast. whether it's san francisco, portland, seattle, l.a. to a large extent as well. we're talking about the most many of them beautiful cities in the united states, in the entire world, and they have all been destroyed by one-party rule. there is no alternative republican argument to the contrary to help return some sense of normalcy there. that's why, bill, san francisco is a part of california that gavin newsom has led astray. one of my favorite stats out there, california gained population, bill, every year since it became a state from 1850 all the way to 2020. every year since then california has lost residents. taxes are too high. it is not safe, people are fed
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up. and moving elsewhere. >> bill: indeed they are. fentanyl. we talked a lot about portland. fentanyl is right there. some consider san francisco to be the epicenter of that crisis. i want you to comment on something out of the southland conference. this is texas a & m commerce against incarnate word that didn't live up to its name. at the end of overtime shaking hands, roll it. they are shaking hand and you have this mess that went on forever. >> this is as bad of a brawl as you will see on any level of sports. you mentioned religious school involved. i can't imagine that will be very well received by the administration there. the conference i would imagine as well as the schools will step in. it looks to me one of the things they will have to do is narrow this down and figure out who was
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throwing punches, who was trying to be the peacemakers there. and it looks like a total mess. i don't know how they solved this. >> bill: the conference said unsportsmanlike conduct that occurred after the game does not reflect the values of the universities involved as well as the southland conference and member institutions. the matter will be reviewed by the conference office and both station. see what they do with it. thanks for coming on today. they are still fighting as the video is rolling. >> no doubt. we need dana to break down in the dana report. >> dana: stay tuned. >> bill: thank you, clay, talk soon. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: all right, meet your new daytona 500 champion. >> sponsored by credit -- away they go. that's chastain into traffic. >> i think it's william byron.
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>> dana: they were right. william byron taking the checkered flag for the first time. it was a wild finish with a massive crash involving nearly two dozen cars during the final lap. the winner on his big victory. >> the lap and a half i was waiting to know if we won was very nerve-wracking. i didn't want to over celebrate or get too excited. thankful it worked out and one of our biggest races of the year. it is amazing. >> dana: congratulations to him. why do you have to wait to find out if you won? >> i was watching this last night. i thought it was such a shame. it got rained out on sunday. you are on the track for five hours and it comes down to the end you have a bunch of cars. >> dana: by a nose. >> bill: looked like just by a nose he crossed the checkered flag before anybody else. >> dana: kennedy's outfit was
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fire yesterday. she was wearing a flag and it was impressive. >> bill: big brother is coming with you to work. employers are now using a.i. to keep tabs on their employees. how concerned should you be? you knew it was going to happen, right? the new epicenter of president biden's border crisis. bill melugin is live back in southern california in the middle of nowhere. can we say that, bill? good morning. >> we certainly can. good morning to you. illegal immigrants from all around the world continue arriving here at our southern border. now the southern california border and coming up after the break we'll let you know how many crossed yesterday here in san diego sector and how many of them were chinese nationals. we'll see you then. to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility
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6:58 am
hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. >> dana: we've been following this all day. united states military is confirming the houthis did shoot down an american drone off the coast of yemen yesterday.
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the houthis shot it with a surface to aramis ill. that's the third time the group has downed a u.s. drone since the war in israel began. watch this space. >> bill: it's more like undercover boss and big brother. some employers are using a.i. to snoop on their staff to which i say shocker. madison has the details here in new york. this is like the category of no duh, right? >> if you are on company devices in general they have access. they are using a.i. to better monitor. analyze and read your messages on popular work apps. a growing trend of companies using tools like the a.i. startup aware to monitor company communication. it says that 80 to 90% of clients use their a.i. for discovery to monitor speech that would create legal risks if you are brought to court. the other portion of the business, that reads employee sentiment in realtime.
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are your employees happy, angry? some of the apps this new software might be used on include slack, microsoft teams, workplace and zoom. monitoring has messages are sent back and forth is done on a large scale. we took to the streets to ask workers about how do you feel about their employers tracking their messages with a.i.? >> i would feel like they are trying to get something out of me and get me in trouble or something. it would be sneaky, i think. >> i'm fine with it. i'm watchful of what i do on company time and company property and anything like that. >> i've seen a.i. being used and it is so flawed and messed up. i think it wouldn't be a useful investment of anyone's time or money anyways. foster trustworthy business vibe. >> a.i. is here and here to stay. >> bill: good or bad. perino will decide. >> dana: send me all the positive messages.


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